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(2 edits)

☆ buddy's updated wholesome cats tips part 75 ☆


Alright, so you wanna start with Brown Cat/Blue Eyes Cat since they have the Hug act, which is very useful for the House levels.

Beginnings: Hug auto-wins, while Meow does damage. You have a chance to get a  Brown Cat, which if you didn't have before, is good since you now have a cat with hug. If you don't have a cat with hug and got Brown Cat, equip Brown Cat on your team.

Gloom: Hug auto-wins, while Meow does damage. You have a chance to get a Persian. Persian is a useful cat, as they are a 2-starred Manmade cat, however they are also very slow and have a.. quite dull act, Boop. It's better to sell Persian to save up more coins for later.

History: Hug auto-wins, while Meow does damage. You don't get any cats from this stage.

Leave: With your stacked up fishbones from the previous levels, level up the cat with Hug to level 11. This is why it's better to get a Hug cat from the get-go, as it starts at level 6, which is enough to get you to level 11 before the end. If you have a cat with Meow, level the Meow cat to 11. Hug and Meow from level 11 cats knock Bred and Scottish Fold out respectfully. At the end you can choose cats. Pick the blue one, it'll be Bred. Bred has Feed, which is very useful for the future levels.


With your team of a Hug cat and Bred, go to the City. Computer; we'll deal with later.

Welcome: Feed auto-wins. You have a high chance to get Lala. If so, equip Lala on your team and level them up with the fishbones you've accumulated with the interruptions from House to City.

Gentlecats: Feed auto-wins. You have a high chance to get Mustache Cat. If so, equip Mustache Cat on your team. Mustache Cat is one of two cats with Deal, which auto-wins the next level.

HYPER: Deal auto-wins. You have a high chance to get OxO. If so, equip them on your team if you didn't get Lala from the first level; OxO is a really suitable replacement for Lala. Or, you can sell them.

Bon Appetit: Feed auto-wins. You have a high chance to get Fat Cat. If you still have your Hug cat, sell Fat Cat. If you didn't have a Hug cat before, equip Fat Cat on your team as the first cat. They have Hug, which auto-wins the next level.

A Visit: We finally get a peek of the King of the Island - Hug auto-wins. You can't win Cloud King.

Recruitment: You win through fighting. However, Bred's Feed does damage to Business Cat, You have a very VERY low chance to win Cream. (To give a picture of how rare it is to get Cream from this level, I only won Cream 2/20 times I played this.)

Leader: To many, the last level of the City is quite difficult since this is the time where you have to fight to win. Unlike A Visit, this time we have to fight ROBOCAT who has an extremely high damage for their level (To paint a picture, a level 3 ROBOCAT does 17 in damage; this is because ROBOCAT's max damage is 85). Feed and Joke do damage to Choco Donut, while Hug and Deal do damage to ROBOCAT.

After clearing the level, you're told to pick Cream, <3 Donut or Choco Donut (or none at all). Pick blue, it'll be Cream.


this tip is from the Wholesome Cats account) Now, here we come into the big times. If you're a ROBOCAT enthusiast like me, you'd want to sell all your cats except Mustache Cat and your Starter Cat. (You can actually do this without selling Cream, it's just that Box Cat won't budge if you have Bred) Then, keep Randomizing. If the shop is full, random all you want. You have a high chance of getting ROBOCAT.

Welcome: Thank you CaramelPudding! Meow auto-wins. If you have 3 or 4-starred cats (3 to 4 starred cats you've probably unlocked so far are Sushi Cat, Chocolate and ROBOCAT) it's easy to win since you're... fighting 1-starred cats - and one has comfort. You have a chance of winning Lil Sprout. Keep Lil Sprout.

ZZZ: Feed auto-wins, while Deal does damage. It should be easy to win without cats with those acts; Sleepy has Think, and Think cats miss frequently, so it'll be easy. You have the option of accepting Sleepy or declining. Accept Sleepy if you want to a) sell them or b) just like their design in general. Although it's better to sell Sleepy for 2 coins,

Meeting Leaf: Story of Old Man Marvin or Grumpy auto-wins. Although, if you've been following these instructions, a Story cat is totally hard to come by. However, after your Randomizing spree from earlier trying to get ROBOCAT, you probably got Grumpy. If not, then that's okay. As said earlier, ROBOCAT has an extremely high damage, and they can easily battle Leaf. Somehow, you have a chance of getting Lil Sprout..?

Good Ghosts: Deal or Comfort auto-wins. You have a chance of getting Ghost Cat. This is the first time a cat with Ghost appears. It's better to sell the Ghost Cat if you still want to get Leaf from the level before. Keep Randomizing if the shop is full. You have a giant chance to get Leaf.

Stray Kitty: Love from Leaf auto-wins. If you don't have Leaf, that's perfectly fine, as despite being a 3-starred cat, uwu has a very low health and damage (that of a starter cat's) since they're a kitten. You have the choice of accepting uwu or declining. It's better to accept if you don't have Leaf, as uwu is the only cat with Love aside from Leaf, and Love is very useful. AFTER THIS LEVEL, DO NOT RANDOMIZE ANY MORE IF YOU PLAY THE WEB VERSION. This is why it's best to get your cats before Stray Kitty.

Leaf's Help: Comfort auto-wins. You have a chance of getting Pretty Cat from this level, but set them free. Pretty Cat is close to useless, both in damage points and in act.

Bye, Leaf: Love auto-wins. You have the choice of accepting Caticorn or declining. Accept Caticorn, as they have a very high speed, they have Magic, and they are just a very valuable cat in general.


With a simple Magic cat and Love cat duo, go to the Computer. Sure, the trip is tiring, but just put a very speedy Caticorn as your Magic cat and you'll be fine.

welcome.mp4: Magic auto-wins. You have a chance to win Pixel Cat. If you already have a Comfort cat, most probably Lil Sprout if you follow the normal cycle on the map, you can sell Pixel Cat. Love auto-wins. You have a chance to win Strawberry. Strawberry has incredible accuracy, and also has the Feed act.

internet_magic.jar: As you might already guess from the name of this stage, Magic auto-wins. You have the choice of accepting Pixel Cat or declining. If you got Pixel Cat in the starting stage, you can decline and get Angel Neko.


With your fresh team of a Magic cat, a Love cat, a cat with incredible accuracy and a cat with Comfort, get lost in the deep Woods.

Welcome: Magic auto-wins. You might get Wood. Wood is a valuable cat, as they have the Swim act which auto-wins Ocean levels 1 and 3. They also have a big damage, as their max damage is 75 (matching Cerbercat's max damage). Don't sell Wood until after you get Water.

Housecats: Love auto-wins. You might get Cat (?). Cat (?) has good accuracy and has the Heart attack type.

Death: There's no way to win this automatically, but use positive acts like Feed, Comfort, Hug and others. Magic also deals damage. You don't win a cat from this stage.

Fire's Regrets: Hug or Love auto-wins. You might get Fire Cat. You might have Lil Sprout or Pixel Cat already, so it's best to sell Fire Cat. If not, then keep Fire Cat.

Death Speaks: ... Okay, you might have to switch up your team to a duo for this one. Magic, Feed and Love do damage to Death, but you win through fighting. You have a chance to win Shadow. It's best to use Shadow as they are a 3-star cat with Ghost.

Nature Love: Hug or Love auto-wins. You might get Nerd. It's best to sell Nerd, as Nerd has Teach, which isn't very useful except for the Fields level 3 (which you likely beat by now) and Sky's Return II.

Death Fights: Comfort auto-wins. You have the choice of accepting Death or declining. If you're on the mobile version, feel free to be a bit daring and get Death to sell them for coins for later after the game to buy the Life royal family. If you're on the web, decline Death and get Jack-O-Lantern.


With your totally amazing team of a team of Jack-O-Lantern, a Swim cat, Shadow and ROBOCAT (.. the team I used in one of my saves to defeat Guardians hehe), go to the Ocean. Note: the Ocean is where most problems begin.

Swim: Well... Swim from White Cat, Wood or Dr Mlem auto-wins. You have the choice of accepting Water or not. Accept Water, and then sell Wood (or you can use both Swim cats in the following level, you have the choice)

Another Visit: Story auto-wins this level. Unlike what the wiki says, Comfort is not a replacement for Story. Swim, however, does damage to Cloud King. You might get Water from this level. Sell the Water with the lower level. I mean, free level-up I guess?

Cool and Shy: Swim auto-wins. You don't get a cat from this level.

Guardians: As many people say, Guardians is the hardest level in the game. To paint the third picture now, Ice Cat does 43 in damage, Water does 46, and Cerbercat does 55. The thing is, all of them have absolute accuracy, as they are all 3-starred cats. First, before battling the guardians, pick your cats. Swim does damage to Water, while Deal and Feed do damage to Ice Cat. Next, level all cats you plan to use on your team to a 40+ damage. There you go, you have a team to defeat the guardians! 

You have a chance to win Ice Cat, but I personally believe it's a very low chance. To start, in my 20 games, I've gotten Cream in the Recruitment level 2 times, while Shadow from Death Speaks 2 times. However, I've never actually won Ice Cat from Guardians. I do have Ice Cat in one save, but I bought them.


Congratulations! You've defeated the guardians and possibly gotten Ice Cat! Well, if you want to show off your new ice block cat, feel free to equip them on your team with a Comfort cat. Cats with Comfort are Lil Sprout, Pixel Cat, Fire Cat and Artist.

Return I: Comfort or Teach auto-wins. You have a high chance of getting Rainbow. Use Rainbow, as they have a very long range with speed. Well, all Fly cats have a very long range.

Return II: Comfort or Love auto-wins. You have a high chance of getting Opal. Like I said before, cats with Think miss often. However, when Opal hits, it's the end of the world.


Oh, look.. you've come this far. How we're proud of you. Now, go my student, go and bring Life back ... but listen quick.

Return III: Oh, you're really face-to-face battling with the Life royal family. All those cats are familiar faces, except.. wait.. a galaxy cat? Yep, you're facing the mother. Comfort auto-wins, while Love does damage to Night Queen.


Congratulations! You've brought the Life cats back! Time to relax and chill, go and get the Life royal family. You deserve it. But wait, there's more!

☆ more stuff

Why are acts so important?

Acts give a 60% more rate of giving cats, and also auto-win stages without having to sweat a single drop.

How do I get more cat coins after beating the game?

You can:

  • use your level 99 Caticorn/Angel Neko to fight Return III again (they can beat the family by themselves), get 10k+ fishbones, log out, log in on the mobile app and convert your fishbones to gold using the coin shop feature specifically on mobile
  • sell unnecessary cats. This is the chart by the way: 

Setting a 1-star cat free rewards you with no coins
Setting a 2-star cat free rewards you with 1 coin
Setting a 3-star cat free rewards you with 1-2 coins
Setting a 4-star cat free rewards you with 2-4 coins

When I decline Death from Death Speaks/Pixel Cat from internet_magic.jar, I don't get Jack-O-Lantern/Angel Neko. Why does this happen?

Well, you actually have a higher chance of not getting Jack-O-Lantern than Angel Neko. This is because technically you're not obligated to get the cats you get after declining, because the game's only hardwired to get the cats being told to get than the cats being collected if you decline.

I hope this helped! I'm adding more stuff to the more stuff section tomorrow <3

However, I defeated cloud king in A Visit by fighting ;) I used a Lv.10 Lala as the main attack

yeah! lala's really powerful

Aaand...I think Meow gets you an auto-win in the first stage of Fields.

ah, interesting! i haven't tried that because i never got a meow cat past fields, i sold them after city

Meowing is probably like explaining why they're coming, kinda makes sense.

ah! you've inspired me to restart the game with getting a meow cat past fields..

MEOW ENDED UP WORKING! but for a different reason - meow cat asks pretty cat if they heard that (life cats live in the fields) right, and pretty cat says yes - and the level clears. i'll note this on the masterlist.

Yeah! Well I tried meow on my first playthrough and it worked. I forgot the details though.

I actually got cream in my first try

well that's luck! 

(1 edit)

If you found mistakes in the Wiki, you can go and fix it, or add whatever you found! For instance, when I first checked it, there was nothing about Love auto-winning Computer II. I was the one who made the particular edit.