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(1 edit)

I was really enjoying this and reached chapter 3 but I decided to for once choose druk.  Unfortunately it crashed and I can't seem to be able to continue the game.  Everytime I get to a certain point it says that an 'exception' has occured.  Hopefully I can somehow get to playing it again. 

edit:I was able to get a bit further but after a little it happened again.  Is this because it's still in development or????

Hi! aspodfij this bug has been occurring off and on at seemingly random for a few people. I'm unsure what its origins are as it didn't come up during playtesting and doesn't seem to be consistent regarding when it occurs. People have been able to do a "quick fix," similar to yours, where if they reload and maybe do some different choices, the bug won't pop up again. Obviously, this is a bandaid fix, and I hope to be able to dedicate some time in the near future for a full fix.

Because full game development has started, it's difficult for me to open up the bandwidth at the current moment to investigate the bug in full. However, I'm hoping to spend some time looking into it this upcoming holiday season when I have more time on my plate. I'm so sorry this has been happening to you (and anyone else), and it's very frustrating to know it's persisted!!! We do have a bug submission form located at the bottom of the game page if you would be willing to enter some information there. Anything I can learn about the bug is appreciated as it could potentially help me narrow down its origins. Thank you for playing the demo, and again, I'm very sorry for the bug!