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Its the tournament finales, Platon beat b2dk, wish me luck, guys~

good luck u can do it

good luck my friend 🤞


good luck. Platon is good

goodluck dude, i never heard of the platon guy but he's probly a one man platoon lol

hes rly fkcing annoying


trust him, he's been on the Discord

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ik, i just wanna know how

same I’m on discord and I’m confused 

hes strong, better than me

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wowee, even at 1% power?

what im tryna say is if u both were at 100% power who would win

Not sure but i think he might win

wow he's strong, i think he can 100% beat ansy

Most definitely

Blackmill, I know you have it in you! You'll win for sure!

I would like to see the affects of his victory so ill root for him too

lol, yeah


I wish you ALL the luck of this world!! :) But wait, what? Platon beat b2dk?! ok,ok,ok, im trash

btw. is it true that tkpvn spawnkilled qoo?

tkpvn is just a brag, all of the stuff he says are mostly lies lol

Ok bro!


It might be false info but qoo is a longbow player so its not really something he can handle properly