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Looks like you're on the right track now. Just take another look at the tips I already gave and you should be set xD


Clue please ?

Even more?

Ok so do you remember the gimmick of the kobold ruins' teleporters? Good xD


yes, i know, but i just lost in Misty Wood, there is some road that lead you to the very beginning of the maze, and some that lead you to the middle point of the maze,so, one question? Do the road that lead to the treasure Chamber didn't bring you back first?

Let me reiterate a previous hint.

You know how the Misty Woods are just like any other "trail in the woods" map? (after you cross it once, you don't have to go inside again) They all have 2 entry points.

That's all I'll say now xD


ah i see, okay


ah some good item

Found it? Congrats! xD (And sorry it took so long. I'm feeling almost guilty  for telling you about it lol)

If you're already pretty far into the game, it isn't all that great, but it's good considering you can find it as early as chapter 5.


actually i'm finished everything, searched every corner of the city from fountain to every box and barrel, every holes and grass and trunks in the graveyard and Wood, and yeah got some nice items and spells, 

Funny enough, I left so many secrets early in the game I kinda ran out of loot for the late game lol. It's basically all mithril and a few rings (the highest tier of accessories) now.

Tho I guess this isn't so bad considering there's no point in finding a powerful item if you don't have any enemies to use it against.