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(1 edit)

Haha poor devs, people are holding you guys emotionally hostage now for an update,

Well it does show how much people are looking for to it! Great to hear an estimate date, and grateful for having you guys working on it, thank you guys for your work!


Don't worry, nobody wants to get this update completed to a high standard more than us devs. It'll come when it comes, regardless of holidays and birthdays.

But yeah, that's our hopeful ETA for the update. Do make sure to +Follow us here on, RegalBuster on Twitter, or join our Discord server, so you'll know for sure when the update is coming out!

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Well I do follow,

Regal hasn't put this ETA on twitter, so it says "NEXT VER ETA: NO ETA",  hence why I commented with a thanks, it was news to me.

As for my remark, it was just a joke, I want the next Grove release as my Christmas present just as much as that guy wants it as his Birthday's ^^

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Can't believe I just got sausage'd, well who I am to deny such culinary pleasures.