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I love this game! The visuals and music are excellent, I especially love the background, it gives such a sense of deep cold space! I enjoyed the somewhat slow reveal of the A.I.'s evil side, how it was sort of hesitant at first but started caring less and less as it grew more powerful :0 I am curious though if it kept to its promises or if it just abandoned us in the middle of space to die c':

The gameplay was fun too! Sometimes being unable to buy certain models was confusing, e.g. when the first cross was complete I didn't realise that's why I couldn't add more modules. It might help to add something in the speech about having reached the max and needing to aim to get another cross thingy? Also the upgrades to the clicking were a godsend!

Oh and at around module 47, the speech had a typo, something like "if them all", I can't remember what exactly it said but it should've been "of". Teeny error but I figured I'd let you know in case you wanted to fix it :P

All in all, it was very fun, and even though I anticipated the ending, it was cool!