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Save / Load bug?

A topic by Star Garden Games created Nov 25, 2022 Views: 110 Replies: 3
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Hi, I just picked this up today and it's been great so far. Our team is experimenting with a new workflow to give our artist more free reign over the particles, and this tool looks like a perfect fit. That said I have a few requests

1. Save/Load

The main friction point I've hit is with save and load. When I hit Save, I'm not sure where the particles are saved, so when hitting Open I'm not sure which directory to check (I assume it's in APPDATA somewhere but I don't know which directory). 

I read here, , that it should be in %appdata%\Local\Particle_Editor but I don't see the Particle_Editor folder there

2. Resize

Another feature request is to allow full screen or resize. We've got fairly high resolution monitors so the default size is pretty small

3. Github

I like that you've made it open source, I was wondering if you'd also consider posting it on Github? If we continue using the tool I'd be happy to contribute pull requests to help make fixes 

Hi, i am using this tool very often too. i do not understand what you mean with “save/load” and “where are the files” – when you hit save, a file dialog appears, you choose your folder and name as in every other software, so you are in full control of the files. Do i miss something?


1. Save/Load

It should be giving you a file save dialog, if it isn't please let me know. Because of the limitations you have to save somewhere else that isn't the same folder as the particle editor. Dumb I know, I even turned off sandbox mode. So I created a folder just beside the particle editor.
>>>> Taking a second look at it, I left out a function call in 1.4, so please download 1.4.1 to fix the file > save menu item.

2. Resize

I've been thinking of allowing this for sure. I can add it into my list of items to do

3. GitHub

I actually do have it on GitHub, just marked as private. Since I ask for a small donation for the source (currently) I would feel bad for accepting the PR and asking for a donation still.  I know that GM is working on a particle editor (that will be interesting since I shared mine with them to fix some bugs) so when that happens I plan on taking away the donation ask and opening it all up.  Hope that all makes sense, feel free to reach out on discord (Mickey#7321) or post in here

Thanks, the updated version works!