After the Arch Cultist slipped two of my hapless scvm a poison blade, and a third was hit with neurotoxin, blinded, and then caught in a Whisperbird deathloop, wily Finnegan Celery decided to take his time, looting and stepping over the corpses of his comrades before heading down into the Tunnels of Nechrubel. After snatching a Vampyric Charme from the jaws of a Wyvern Kin, and going back above belowground, he used the power of the his new treasure to conjure a backup Mandate, and then spent a lazy afternoon kicking walls, unleashing weak monsters instead of finding secret doors. With a bomb and flail he descended into the lair, killed the cultist, and managed to earn Verhu's favour with the crumpled wad of paper in his back pocket.
What a blast this was to play! The care given this design instantly convinced me to buy the Solitary Defilement boxset in the recent reprint.