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Which version of the game are you playing?

(2 edits)

Should be the newest version. I am just playing on the web browser version so that might be it. I probably should've said that already lol. Update I downloaded the most recent version but it still didn't work aka the windows 64 bit. 

That's very odd. I have not received any reports except this one of this bug and I am not able to reproduce it myself. I'm really not sure what to do about it.

Dang, well that kinda sucks. But my pc has been weird recently so I'll just blame it on that.

While I can't tell if it would fix it, have you looked into updating your graphic card driver?
It could potentially mess up games in general.

I have to reset my pc to fix my current issue but I've just been to lazy to that so I'll just wait till I can't.

Hi, I also experienced this bug. After getting it a few times, it seems to only occur when you select mute on the start screen.