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Can't wait to actually see Anna wide awake and interacting / speaking with the MC and characters. I guess it will be an extremely emotional thing when Anna wakes up, and being pregnant as well. I wonder how the MC will react emotionally, will there be lots of tears from him, since he has missed her so much and the love he has for her and not to forget as well, the baby she is having.  MNM is really a fantastic game.  

I think MNF is going to be so bitter sweet in terms of it's ending, because we have been there with the MC and most of the main cast of girls from the very beginning, and seeing it come to an end I think that will be a pretty emotional thing for me.  

And has you have said, you really need to end the game in a way that is not going to leave any of us sad, not that this has ever been an issue with MNF but what I mean is, we are not going to see them as we see them now in MNF 2. A huge amount of time will pass (18 years is a long time, when we won't know what's happened during that entire period of time.) so I am curious how your going to go about the ending, because of those 18 long years without seeing or hearing from them, by the time MNF 2 comes about. 

In regards to MNF 2 it's still going to focus on the main characters in the game, just a long time in the future right?  I hope Elaine won't have passed away, I mean she is no spring chicken as it is, as I am assuming she is well into her 60's during this version of the game right?  I never really liked her in the beginning, but she has kind of grown on me, I thought she would remain one of those outside kind of bitch characters, who would insult the MC from the sidelines, but she is quite the opposite, and I've actually grown to like her. I really like all the characters very much indeed.  I keep harping on about Fiona, but behind Lucy she is my second favourite character perhaps with either the family doctor or Becca my third and 4th favourite.  Sandra to me as always felt to me, like she could have been fleshed out more, give her a decent back story, doesn't have to be a bad story or anything. But I guess that must have been on purpose that she really doesn't because it would probably take much of the spotlight off Lucy.

I really love your stories, please keep up the fantastic work, if you need time off, we will definitely understand, don't rush the ending of MNF, try to give it the ending it truly deserves, because it's exceptional. Much better than ecchi sensei, much better than pretty much any of the high quality games out there.  take care K7 and again thanks for keeping us update to date as frequently as you do!