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Oh my god your not the fucking GRAMMAR POLICE*

Who do you think I am? A dude on the internet on my free time after spending 8 hours inside of Highschool dally? Ohhhhh thats sad, your in 6th grade, arguing with someone who has fucking time to be doing his studying for a fucking exam in a month.

I dont need to argue with your dogass responeses anymore, I just think its funny to respond to idiotic people who cant keep there mouth shut over a FUCKING BAN. Deal with it, you also support pretty much pirating, and yes, its an actual crime. Pirating a fucking game where a virtual 19 year old speaks beeps and boops and trys to win for sex, taking you this far to fucking harass users over a ban??????

I’m actually laughing off my fucking ass by reading this argument, are you the “Raddest Kid in your Local School, who acts cool and self centered”? To me, thats a yes.

Stop trying to argue with me, it isn’t going to work.


You mean daily? 



Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+1)

You forgot a comma.

Professors Are Nerds. Or So Your iPhone Would Have You Believe.

(2 edits)

google defines pirating as basically the reproduction of work without consent for profit— i haven’t done it for profit. and, on my part, i will say i did not do it with consent, however if the devs happened to stumble upon my page, i granted them the ability to take down the port. the thing is, i don’t own my own game site with ads where it actually is profiting in a way

but, genuinely what is wrong with you? why are you spending your time weeping over a dude on the internet porting mods for a game (that keep in mind, will eventually decline in popularity anyway) to html5? don’t you have better things to do? didn’t you say you are two years away from college? hell, study for your exams, your finals, whatever! don’t waste time thinking up words to type to some rando on the internet like i am right now. you try to act like you don’t care, but you cared enough to not only report my page, but continue slandering me even though i have done nothing on this new page at all except for make an introduction post?  go invest your time in something that will get you into college, turn in your assignments on time and maybe even volunteer for your community so you have better chances of getting into college. let’s not kid ourselves, this will not go anywhere. if you keep stating the same shit over and over, you won’t provide any actual sense. grow up, hayden. i know you’re better than this

Do you remember the discussion we had on Gamejolt?

dude,  come on, take time to actually read that instead of bringing up random past bullshit. It makes me highly doubt you’re even in high school. He’s right you know.


He did mention me, we stated NOT to drive this further, but he mentioned who got his account banned.

And he is weeding his way out, like dude, Pirating is STILL, ILLEGAL.

Theres a reason why I hate the Friday Night Funkin’ Modding Community, this is one of the reasons:

Constant dicksucking & whiteknighting while just believing some shitty person despite them knowing everything.

And, I think I know why you replied, is that because you literally joined on his train.

Does he have evidence? NO! Do I know the conversation that actually applys here? YES!

Does he have ill-tent to rebring his mods back up w/o perms? YES!

That’s what you’re so pissed about? So what he mentioned you, sure his “fans” went after you but he obviously didn’t tell them to. There’s no way you’re in high school. He wasn’t going to drive it further, but you decided to accuse him of “manipulating you”, Which by the way, he didn’t. You’re the type of person to take anything and everything way too seriously.

Because, we stated that we wouldn’t mention each other, that he wouldn’t steal and pirate mods (for his safety and to save mod creators efforts), and I wouldn’t raise it.

But, here we are, him trying to weed it out, you joining his gang, believing all of the shit that “he didn’t do”. Come on, if you had the actual time to understand everything. Its crazy, why did you make the account to comment on this? Its wild! Are you a sockpuppet? Maybe?

Like dude, come the fuck on, why did you out of all people did not take the time and understand my points? Its like your ignoring what I say and dickriding him.

Again, he didn’t pirate mods, this also gives more evidence to the fact you didn’t even read anything he said. Do you see him using this stuff for profit? Do you think that shit is even possible on some guy’s page? Very hypocritical of you to say too. Don’t you have anything better to do yourself?

I don’t need to read your goofy ass messages. I’m tired of getting plastered with notifications from bullshit claims, and literally pirating is still against the fucking law.

There’s a reason why I don’t respond to people on here.

i haven’t put up one single port on this page, and for the record kaleb hasn’t even visited this page once, he isn’t dickriding me

stop carrying this further oh my god i am at my fucking breaking point right now, nobody CARES hayden


it is FRIDAY NIGHT FUNKIN’. a FREE GAME. OPEN SOURCE TO ALL. where ANYBODY CAN MODIFY IT. for ZERO DOLLARS and ZERO CENTS. unlike putting free downloads for paid games up online, i am not porting games like skyrim or cuphead to html5. i am porting a purely free game, worked on by others for fun. you are treating this like i’m profiting off of other’s work. i am not profiting in any aspect. i’m not even a fully grown adult yet, i don’t have a source of income. people work on fnf mods solely for fun and for practice. i do not know how many times i have to stress this to you, YOU chose to come onto MY page and start slandering me to others, and now you’re acting like i started it? i wouldn’t like to play the 2nd grade blame game here and go “oh he started it!” but you—you did. i have recently said NOTHING about you. i have not talked about you to anybody for MONTHS. you, yourself, made a decision to tell others that i’ve been “stealing” mods. it isn’t a crime. piracy is technically a crime in some aspects, but fnf mods do not apply to one aspect. they are not paid. they are completely free. they have been worked on for fun. for others to enjoy. all i do is attempt to port these mods over to html5 so others can enjoy it. i genuinely have no ill intentions at all when i do this.

now please, take the time to actually read this. THANK YOU.

hayden please use your time constructively,  i didn’t WANT my fans to go after you, i’ve explicitly stated not to go after you, but i guess a horde of ages 12 and under doesn’t listen too well does it? would you like it if i blatantly disregarded everything YOU said and tried to “counterpoint” it with the same listless responses? you aren’t the hero of the fnf community, you aren’t some sort of angel savior SAVING fnf mod developers from some sort of evil force, literally nobody knows you. nobody cares for your point, because at the end of the day, it is fnf we are discussing. i am NOT reposting a paid game. no fnf mods are under a paywall either. it is not illegal, it is not a crime. the fact you are willing to stay up at 11:25 PM currently, to continue arguing with me, really shows you aren’t even in high school. at this point, i doubt from how impulsively you act, that you are anywhere near high school. stop acting like you’ve actually made an effort in the fnf community by taking down some other rando’s page. if any fnf mod developer, were to SEE my page, and SEE my port of THEIR mod, i COMPLETELY welcome them to require to take it down. never once have i said i have owned a single mod i have ported, except for ones that i GENUINELY owned (south park shitposts mod).

y'all fighting's stupid

lmao yea i’m over it (i blocked and reported h