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A member registered Dec 20, 2022 · View creator page →

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big talk for such minor points, if you didn't even read the messages why would you even try to counterpoint them? You wouldn't know jackshit about the message to begin with. Don't wanna respond to people here? Then don't, you shut up about it, I shut up about it.

Again, he didn’t pirate mods, this also gives more evidence to the fact you didn’t even read anything he said. Do you see him using this stuff for profit? Do you think that shit is even possible on some guy’s page? Very hypocritical of you to say too. Don’t you have anything better to do yourself?

That’s what you’re so pissed about? So what he mentioned you, sure his “fans” went after you but he obviously didn’t tell them to. There’s no way you’re in high school. He wasn’t going to drive it further, but you decided to accuse him of “manipulating you”, Which by the way, he didn’t. You’re the type of person to take anything and everything way too seriously.

dude,  come on, take time to actually read that instead of bringing up random past bullshit. It makes me highly doubt you’re even in high school. He’s right you know.