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Before starting a new game plus, I have a question: Is there any way to also restock treasure chests (or could you change the mod to do so)? If would be great to get major arcana cards more than once so more characters can learn spells.  I think it wouldn't matter if characters could become overpowered, because my party was overpowered in the end anyway,  I could take down the final boss within a few minutes and without posing any real threat to me. I even surrendered some of my characters on purpose before taking her down for their level-up pictures.

Does the magican card somehow aionize characters? I used it on Lilli just to learn spire, but then she had quite a lot of really useful spells which elevated her from 'pretty useless' to 'best fighter in the game'. Or is it because of something I may have equipped?

Another question, are all the major arcana cards already in the game? I never found tower, moon, nameless and several others, where are they?

It might be better to ask for changes to mods in the mod section of our public Discord server ( However, there should alternatively be a way to get multiple of the same cards, though only by messing with the code of the game. 

You probably have her Chroma weapon equipped, which while equipped lets her use certain Chroma skills. 

There are still a few cards left that will be added in the next big update (v1.2.0), including the ones you listed.

I’m glad I found this comment. I’ve been running around like a mad man trying to find these cards killing enemies, looking for chests, and checking books in every home and library in the game. Glad to hear they’re not all out yet. It would be nice to be able to learn the same card skills for multiple characters. It’s a bummer when you see a skill on the learn menu for someone knowing that now they can never get it. Can you do mods on a Mac?

As of now the mod manager does not support Mac, sadly. It might in the future, but we can't guarantee that.