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Liking the concept so far.  Can't wait to learn more about the world and characters.

Artwork is bautifully done. 9.9/10. I get the thick style isn't for everyone but that does not mean it is a terrible quality. On the contrary, you seem to know how to make it work because usually it can be artistically unappealing unless that is your specific taste. This is actually cute and cuddly. Good work.

As for the writing... Something about it just feels off somehow. I felt like sentences were quite short. It makes characters seem unconvincing with their motives IMO if you can just rush through things like that. For example, Aron the MC only concern was the issue of species when he finds the "werewolf" and leaves off at that, despite the writer having the opportunity to explain Agnarr a bit more. The MC also has a (relatively) calm reaction to finding himself covered in fur and sporting some kind of lump on his face. If he is the calm type, I would have expected him to be more rational and come up with better theories than LARPers, but as said, the author is just speeding through everything that I (and readers?) dont have a frame of mind or emotional state of the MC much. He even plans to go back to the human world. A question I want answered is why would he go back looking like a lion? Does he think going back will change him into a human? Or is he just too panicked that he forgets he is a lion all together? I think the author is missing many chances to explain things from a deeper point. And as far as I can tell, there is no underlying narratives to justify witholding some of this information from the readers, with the exception that Agnarr tells the MC to nod or shake his head if he prefers not to speak. That was a cool way of saving what Udyrs and Sylvings are for a better time.

So far the plot makes sense and seems believable yet entertaining, and I have no issue with the sequence of events... On an imagination level everything seems great. However there exists a lot of opportunities to delve a bit more into their emotions, motivations, and personalities of the characters. As for their physical characteristics the author did quite well and lingered on them with the same amount of time we spent staring at them, though the writer could have done just a little more for Agnarr IMO so we can establish that he is someone important and not to be brushed off.