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Hiberdean is adorable, definitely my favourite :3 (Though Eggsalad and ARealRat are close seconds I have to admit!). 

I love this game so much, the art is absolutely charming, and the characters have so much variety! I appreciate the lack of gendered terms too, for both the player and the contestants :D Also I enjoyed the little detail of their emotes changing eyes to match the character, like with Slim Jim :P

One thing though, sometimes all 3 response options are negative and there's no way to avoid upsetting them :c Do the responses actually affect anything? Also is there any way to quickly get to see the end of each character's route? After a few runs it becomes a bit time consuming, maybe a new button on the main menu after you complete it twice or something?? Just a suggestion :3

Ah I loved this game so much though, it was adorable <3<3