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(4 edits) (+1)

Ok, i red all of your replies to my previous post.

1. We don't had a divorce, or family member death, just all of our family members are in semi-depression state, and we have some financial troubles. Also it's possible that we will migrate to another country, so everyone is stressed asf. 

2. Im really was one of the worst players in n1 discord community, and there are was a ton of other players that are way better than me (Platon, Sir Dumb, blackmill, aussua) - you name it. I had a goal to be one of the best players in n1, but i turned out to be one of the worst, and it really hits me.

3. I'll try myself in different areas (i'm now connecting with some software professionals in linkedin), so maybe i'll start to work on some big projects and i will don't have time on n1. 

So yeah, that's all i wanted to say.

hard to hear such news and i hope u do well in the different areas but pls at least still chat with us

yeah, i will chat here, but rarely, because im getting more and more busier :)

thats ok as long as i can stilll talk to u cus ur a good friend c:

im reliefed that ull do it

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Yay ull be chatting

I’m sorry for the hardships ur going through I’m also gonna migrate to another country in like a year also u aren’t the worst I am for sure even if u think ur the worst it’s just a game for ppl to have fun and good luck for the new fields hope you succeed 👍🏼

thanks man, wish u luck too )

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Thats hard to hear, Skyzess. I wish you luck! Just remember that everyone here supports you on your great journey.

Plus, you were amazing at the game!

And please, still visit us every once and a while.

До свидания, товарищ. Желаю вам всего наилучшего.

dont worry he will visit us from tiem to time

he will visit us

ok as long a u chat me happy :) btw there's a thanksgiving squad were hosting every day till thankgivign

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How about me? I thought I was bad. I'm ok ig. 


nah ur not bad i am

im so bad im the worst pro eve

that contradicts the fact that ur a pro

Wow man.... I hope all your family issues and financial issues get fixed,

All the best towards your projects~