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I think I will still play at narrow one 5 months minimum. And you ?

Good night

I will play 1 year min.


Deleted post

Noooo don't leave!!! You have fearless!

Dont leave MrNoob! I havent gotten to play with you yet!

yea man

no dont leave

(2 edits)

i want to do one too but i dont think any will happen or at least anytime soon but who knows

same, i'll leave soon too, cuz the exams but don't worry it will in 1,2 months more

after exams I’ll still play ryt?

I will play for another year, minimum.

yay :)

hooray! :-)

Ill play now about a year , but i lost a time over 50k thats the reason why i dont have that much coins :(

I’ll play 100 years minimum 

or until the game dies out:(