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(1 edit)

Snow!!   I also made some other pictures, but they are more then 3MB so i cant upload then :( BUT it is a good start in the weekend, better said in my birthday-weekend :)

im so jealous

i have snow so rarely :c

but im still happy for u


nooo im jealous

this is germany?

the german state of saxony


in the capital

I already have deep snowdrifts on the street

big lucker, but for us in germany its a bit rarely


Yay thx :)

dude snows sooo fun to play with I’ve only hold it once 

im so sorry for ya lol only had it 4 time in my life


Agreed so much

it’s gonna be ur bday?

Ye, on sunday is my birthday, ill write a new post when its due

oh so it’s tomorrow nice

I envy you, i love LOVE snow!

same only seen it 4 time i my life


build a narrow one snow man, and you have my respect!

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ill try my best i hope there will be sometimes enough snow for it, are there are points which the snowman need to have, like i top hat or something  maybe a bow? sorry for bad english

eh sometimes medival people shave their heads :)

so the snow man should have no hair right? but a bow would be cool i think, what do you say to a bow?

Just use a stick... maybe

ok, we will see, but i will definitly built a narrow one snow man :)
