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i don't have a clip but this i do idk if you can post this

hmmm, not sure. Do you have the army of bowboi image?

yes i do here

the non transparent screenshot

individual soldier (should be transparent)

u should be able to open them in new tab and have a bigger view right click them and open image in new tab

the individual one is fine when u open it on itself but it looks squashed to me on itch 


I will post it on yt comminity :)

yay :) btw what is yt community? like a channel?

it’s like the forum page built into the channel place

it says "image too long" or sum like that. I'm going to need a smaller version :)

ah ok ill find something


hey im sorry i can't find a way but i got a tip for you to post ill show u later


Ok heres a tip u can post in oe of ur vids, just credit me along w/ this pic.

Step 1 of the tip: walk up to the top of the short tower it Castles.

Step 2: Step on top of the a merlon block(the up thingies)

Step 3: Jump to the top of the well

Step 4: Jump towards the window. Then, turn an 180 degree and idk, shoot a few sample shots (like u always do)at the entrance to give the viewers and idea of how it can be used.

u might have to secure urself by jumping at the window a few times, the u can turn around and shoot the enemies from the main entrance :)

Oh its a common tip, I learned it from a guest player long time ago, thx though :)