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There are some problems with the narrative when you choose to not watch what happened with Selena not even once.

The game still adress you like you know what is happening when you clearly could not. Also, if you choosed to not watch Selena and the wolves, when you go to talk to Logan about the pendant, you should not be able to choose if you'll hide the details or not (since you don't know what happened, you just found her pendant)

Hold on a second now.... Could it be that this Selena is actually involved in both the disease and the werewolf problem? What do we know about her so far? According to the last Logan event, this person would have the power to give the werewolves commands as well.

Fishy fishy...

(1 edit) (+4)

I just got spoiled I'm gonna cry.


Ouch, my bad. Sorry 


At least it's just a theorie LOL

(2 edits) (+1)

little spoiler alert.

I don't believe she has any intentional involvement in the werewolf's infection and was just a slut at first but maybe she is also now a pawn of the person who is taking them? also, the mystery person doesn't have the ability to give commands to all the werewolves just the one he has under his control, the one that runs to him in our latest Logan event. however, I do believe he can control the swamp creatures due to the giant one that shows up, and maybe was planning to get ALL the werewolves that night using the big guy. 

(And what we currently know about Serena is literally only that she went kinda insane from getting fucked so good by beasts that she is just sitting in the werewolf cave getting fucked to this day. kinda like the MC bad ends but this one we see the aftereffects of what happened instead of having to reload a save. also, that she was unhappy in the marriage because she suddenly wanted a LOT more sex than Logan was able to provide. maybe the curse of lust somehow affected her as well since we know she went into the forest before she was having marital issues and might have drifted a little close to the corrupted swamp zone?)


I like it. Take my kudos good sir :D