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No rush at all! Writing so many chapters is no small feat, it sounds like a book's length! Could NOT imagine plotting all that. Honestly I don't know how indie devs do it at all for even smaller projects, there's so much time and effort that needs to go into making games but it's difficult to make a career out of >.< so most do it as a side hustle or hobby. It takes work and dedication to work on games despite having a busy adult life so I completely understand and am so proud of you for even trying! The fact that you have completed works here already is already so impressive. (You're honestly such an inspiration, I really need to do better at using my time better lmfao I never finish anything I start. 🥴 Frustrating when you have no motivation/energy after work to spend time on your passion.) But yes take your time and thank you for even sharing your art with us! I'm looking forward to whatever other smaller projects you have going on as well!


You're so understanding, thank you! ^-^ I wish you well on your own projects, I know for sure you've motivated me to do better on mine :)