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HHHH I LOVE THIS GAAAAME! Finished Arcs 1-3 in one sitting, but I had to take a break as Gidget has a crappy track record of turning to murder when rejected (also 'cause I love Genzou and any other romantic route brings me pain). All of the characters are so well written. For a brief moment in Arc 3 I felt genuine sympathy for Orlam. Not that it lasted long, but you know. The plot too?! Mwah. Perfect. Gives off vibes of games like Hello Charlotte and early 2000s JRPGs while still being totally original, so that's super dope! 

A few thoughts on characters -

First off I hope that Iggy ends up with Genzou. First because I love the both of them and also because Genzou seems like the only one of the romance options who genuinely likes Iggy for who he is. I think Gidget is trying to use Iggy to justify their life choices or fill  a gap. Like, "see I got with the guy I like, I can't be a failure" and Orlam I keep wanting to call him Oswald lmao is a flaming train wreck. I don't dislike Gidget, especially because I think without Wonderland they wouldn't have become as twisted, but I can't really come to like them as a pairing with Iggy. They need to sort through their identity issues (in regards to both gender and sense of self) before they can be in a healthy relationship. From what I've seen, maybe Cecil is a facet of their identity they wanna express freely? While I do dislike Orlam, I do feel for him. As much as I love Genzou, he went waaaay to far on many occasions with Orlam, not to mention Orlam's shitty home life. However, as much as I sympathise with Orlam, he grosses me out. His personality gives me goosebumps lmao. I'm not sure how to feel about Buxley after learning what she did to Saydie. Iggy is on of my favorite characters. I feel like I can relate to him a lot which might not be so good for me. It's interesting to see how he changes and grows. Genzou is my other favorite. He's funny and the only character who is consistently kind to Iggy even in Wonderland. I guess it doesn't hurt his case that I love the childhood friend trope. Over all though, Iggy and Genzou are my absolute favorites.

Thoughts on story-

I love the whole corrupted world concept. Especially when the world used to be an escape that was filled with innocence AAAAH!!! The interactions between the characters bring the story to life. Not only the interactions between the characters themselves, but also between the characters and their environment and thought processes. Love it. I'm curious, though, if the reason that adults aren't allowed in Wonderland is because their presence is what corrupts it. As the door requires the blood of a child, that would most likely mean that said adult spilled a child's blood (the child who Wonderland most likely expected to welcome instead of the adult). Either that or an adults wishes are not as pure as a child's and would result in some type of corruption.

(Random) Final Thoughts/Questions-

Because I'm trying to influence your subconscious to give me what I want I'll say it again. Iggy and Genzou are the best pairing. I don't think any of the other RO measure up to Genzou TBH. I hope the story has a happy ending. I happy ending in that it makes me happy. You know how to do it (jk). I did want to ask if you would be comfortable sharing your writing process for developing both characters and plots/story concepts. I really like your style of writing, but I wouldn't want you to feel pressured. I apologize for writing an entire essay, but I really like your game! Thank you so much for putting your work out there!


OMG WHAT A WONDERFUL AND LOVELY COMMENT HELP??? You have got me in tears here πŸ˜­πŸ’•

Thank you so so much for playing the game and for taking all this time to write up your thoughts! I can't even put into words how much it means to me to hear things like this and how people relate to or connect to the chars πŸ₯Ί Also I have to say that a lot of your general observations about the chars and their feels / motivations are pretty spot on teehee πŸ€­ So that all made me really tickled to read. I'M GLAD YOU LIKE GENZOU/IGGY?? They hold such a soft and sweet spot in my heart and just make me so happy in general, so it turns me into goo hearing that others like them, too. As for the happy ending, I will just say that there IS light at the end of the tunnel for all of this, and also that your choices have a major impact on Iggy's final Decision™ sooooOOOOooooo... I only hope that I can live up to your expectations DLKAFJSDLKF

I'm glad you like the story and writing!!! Some of your questions about wonderland will def come up in Arc 5. I think in general Arc 5 will have a lot of answers. I hope, at least LOL I've never been a huge fan of having absolutely every little thing perfectly tied up at the end concrete solid locked up tight as I love allowing some room for thoughts and interpretations, but there will definitely be some deep dives into the core questions behind the world and chars πŸ€­

"I did want to ask if you would be comfortable sharing your writing process for developing both characters and plots/story concepts." --> Oh gosh! Ummmm,,,  I definitely don't mind at all! I feel like my process is simultaneously unremarkable while at the same time overly complicated LOL I don't know how to describe it really. Mostly in that I tend to just let ideas simmer for long periods of time developing in my head before I even decide to do anything with them. Also a huge number of inspirations go into them, particularly music-wise. I talked a little bit about some of it in an interview I did a few months ago, but I can also look into writing something more in-depth as a devlog at some point???

"I apologize for writing an entire essay, but I really like your game!" --> DON'T APOLOGIZE, I LOVE THIS SO MUCHHHHHHH. I've read your comment at least 5 times already because it made me smile so much. I just really love hearing thoughts from people and I can't thank you enough for sharing your lovely words! πŸ₯ΊπŸ’•

Thank you again so much! And I'm always down to answering any questions you may have! This really brightened my day!!! πŸ₯°


OMG TYSM FOR REPLYING!!!!! I'm happy you liked my comment :)! I wanted to ask rq if you would be open to making a discord server or smth? I'm sorry if I'm being a bit much, but I find your content super-duper intresting and would love toask you more questions/interact with you!


Oh, gosh, Discord,,,

I have been thinking about creating, like, an Official Discord Server™ for updates and news for a while, especially with the fiasco happening on Twitter, but it's just quite a lot of work to set one up and it would send my anxiety through the roof having to manage it (I don't really do well mentally in situations where I have to moderate people...)πŸ’¦

I will keep thinking about it πŸ’¦πŸ’¦ In the meantime, I am always open for questions and discussion either on my Twitter or my Tumblr! Tumblr in particular I'm trying to figure out ways where I might be able to use it for more discussion-type stuff in the future... tho I'm still working on it LOL But you can shoot me stuff in either of those places either as an @ or DMs / Asks if you want! I'm def up for any and all questions (so long as it's not asking for outright spoilers LOL 🀭)!