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this is wonderful. Thank you. Wish you also had a way we could “purchase” from you — even a nominal “tip.” I’d rather not download 200+ pages right now, but would love a way to save this masterpiece in my itch library. 


hi, thank you so much! :) that’s a good point and one i’m not sure of how to handle, but i’ll ask around for a solution!


just make the release a PWYW - people can still pay 0 and download it, but people can also send you money

the project is meant to be strictly free to access, especially because multiple people contributed to it on that basis.


Ah, gotcha. Got hung up on the first part of the question, since I saw you'd answered the part about the collection. My b!


i realized that something you can try is adding it to a collection! i’m sorry it’s more out of the way than it being directly in your library, but it’s one way to more easily keep track of it and other free games 😊


thanks! Will try that!!