Title: Materialization of memories.
I said I found a way to make my game stand out. I see that you want to make the most grimdark game ever made. Well, I decided that I would make the most natural, straight, furry game, where furries would be part of the setting, and not a key element, as in most furry games with poor quality and strange content.
There is a world where there are no continents. Islands only. And that means other evolution that brings about a strange shark-like appearance. And a strange phenomenon consumes the islands and causes strange phenomena to appear there and the materialization of monsters out of nostalgia for those who lived there, and strange things with positive qualities, for example, a huge glass syringe from your childhood now increases your health.
I think this is a new idea and quite a bold one. Obviously inspired by STALKER, but your game was inspired by Berserk. I don't know anything similar on rpj maker except your games and I think it will be in demand.
I will make page on itch.io soon. Idea for setting comes from huge amount of advertising of sea products from USSR.