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(1 edit) (+1)

I LOVE this! Cant wait for the ability to save to be in the game. Still havent made it past the first level of the forbidden dungeon though...

Edit: FOund a bug that seriously wounded my spirit with this game. I had some badass armor, a two handed axe that did 63 damage, was killing corpse spiders and undead in two swings. Had the bronze key and went through the relevant door. An undead came out with a two handed hammer and we swung at each other at the EXACT same time. My weapon flew from my hand, fine but THEN I WAS STUCK STANDING straight up! Couldnt move, attack, or do anything at all except watch the undead kill me... It made me so sad I dont think Ill be able to give this another go for a good while.

Thank you for your support! And sorry about some bugs in the game. I hope the next update will fix it.