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Really cool game, I enjoyed it, my personal advice is to give the player a reasonable reason for killing the enemies because if not people might do as I did: start running straight forward looking for the reactor and holding the mouse button and then, inevitably, dying. 

One first, easy, way to do it is to give a loot when you kill an enemy, for example some experience points that make your weapons stronger, or weapons, or something like that.

 Another way would be that of making impossible to win without killing the enemies, for example by putting a lot of them in the same room; but this would make the game frustrating, because the difficulty increases too fast. 

The best solution, I think, it's to join the previous ones: making the ammo not unlimited and making the enemies drop them and, for making it even more necessary, making the player need ammos for breaking the main reactror.

This is, of course, just my opinion and this is your game. So do what you want and good job anyway, it was a really cool game!

Deleted 305 days ago

Ok, don’t worry it’s an awesome game anyway!