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This was a great game! I loved playing through this, it ran well, the puzzles were mostly a nice balance of exploration and logic,the atmosphere was nice and it lasted just the right amount of time. This is one of the better indie horrors I've played of late and I had a absolute blast for the most part.

A couple of things I did want to bring up that I felt were a little frustrating or maybe would benefit from a rework, based on my own experience.

1: There is a puzzle involving statuettes that you have to line up, but telling exactly what was where in the room was a little tough. It may help to up the lighting in that room somewhat, or add light sources.

2: There's a sequence where you have to crawl through a tunnel system to get an item for a puzzle. I don't mind the tunnel, but some of the incorrect paths go on a bit far. Combined with the slow crawl speed, it was a little annoying.

3: Without spoiling, the ending sections seem to have a balance problem with stamina. It seems like you run out way too quickly, and then you can be insta-killed if you made any mistakes. Maybe just me, but that may benefit from a rework.

All that being said? Highly recommend this game. Loved playing it, well worth the time and I'm 100% keeping an eye out for other games you've made. Great work and keep it up!


Hi Boundless, First of all, thanks a ton for playing through our game and for the comment, this is monumental because you’re the first person ever to comment on our first game. We’ve also walked through your feedback and decided to tweak some stuff in the game, thanks for the support!

Thanks so much for taking a chance to check out the comments! Glad to have taken a chance and played the game, I hope you keep on making stuff because this was a ton of fun.
100% keeping an eye out for future projects from you!