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(3 edits)

It's hard to stand as the single pro, against a team consisting of 2 people of your skill, and a runner with the clown armour.
I broke my kill record to 63.
I broke my
death record to 39, beating today's 38.

lo lololol look at my post and yours .it is funny hahahaha

Secondly, I have only been here since August

well, you'd need about another 8 months experience to become strong enough to fight any player regardless of their strenght, based on my experience

there is almost 1 year from I ply N1 .but I had lots of months didn't play it (I m stop play now 2).so my realy play time is about 5~6months I think

sigh. Can you let him have the big Win? Congratulate him for his personal best?

wait Aza?

Shut up, he is learning

(1 edit)

a tip to u:

try to guess where will the enemy be

maybe u know it but u still can't do it well

Dude, they're always running. But still I did manage to get the most score.

lol my HI is 2800

.... He is on his great journey to becoming a pro, and you are just sitting there and MOCKING HIM?

his snipe is better than me now lol.


i can do that nowadays, being a pro

I can do it too, I just use an advanced technique called 'using your eyes'