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(3 edits)

Hi guys,
I wanted to ask those who played the new update what you think of the game so far.

Is it too much text, or too little?

How is the artwork of the game? Not too bad or does my art blind you?
- since I'm not an artist, it's not that groundless to ask.

Decisions: too much or not enough of it?

What do you miss?

What do you like?

What do you hate?

How bad is my English, do you understand anything at all?
- That's actually my biggest worry, as you probably already noticed English is not my native language.

What do you think of the characters?

Well to make things short, tell me all your thoughts you had while you were playing.

I be thankfully for every feedback you want to share.

Thank you guys

Strange, I just noticing that Vincent has such a big head.

Should I completely revise him?

I have to be careful when drawing him in the future. I think when drawing his hair, I just always lose control of myself and that is why his head ends up being so big.