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That was pretty fun. I won on my first try

Here's a video of me playing:

My biggest suggestion/request would be add local multiplayer with split screen. Maybe have one player using WASD, and another arrow keys.

I think the game can be pretty fun stream experience, and as some sort of party game.

You can probably expand upon it by adding more power ups, and maybe some levels with some obstructions, teleporters, and other features that are present in games like that. I am sure you are not going to have problems finding ideas.

Good Job.

Thanks webby
I'm in the process of making it online multiplayer, not sure about local at the moment.
More powerups and eggs are definitely planned, if you have any fun ideas for some lmk!


some fun ideas for eggs, huh?

  • Eggs that split into multiple eggs
  • Eggs that hatch chicks, which walk horizontally , and deal damage
  • Eggs that move diagonally
  • Eggs that bounce back up
  • Eggs that grow and shrink while dropping


  • freezing eggs for some time
  • temporary invincibility
  • spilling shield
  • diagonal shooting

Some of these are planned, some of these aren't but are cool. I like the idea of bouncing eggs (would be really frustrating though lmao)


It sure would. It's up to you where you want to take the game. You can balance more frustrating one with how rare they are, or come up with some limiters and perks.