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Where does your name come from ? Me (narrow winner), in a hashira vs ansy video, someone was called THENARROWWINNER and i liked it.


my dog is the reason I chose "kitsune"


your dog is a fox?

kinda looks like one


My name is a palindrome that's all I'm gonna say


Played Minecraft anarchy (chaos servers) a few years back. I used to be one of the most feared players on the server. I usually was the first guy to destroy and blow up stuff, so they called me General Havoc.

Fast forward to February 2022, I found Narrow One in, and I joined the community. I wanted to join DC so I added DC at the front of my name at the time; Havoc. Then Dragonaire said I can rank up by adding a title to my name. So I thought of comrade as a title. Now I was at Comrade Havoc DC, and then joined a few clans and left a few clans, and now I'm Comrade Havoc DC FC HC.

That is how I got my name!


kinda lengthy, but it is the truth 

mine is cause it describes me the most

so you are stupid ?!

I don't think so.



well my name was just what came to my mind after thinking a week for a relvant name with a bit of sillyness