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I'm getting an error in the web version of this game sadly.

Unable to parse Build/! This can happen if build compression 
was enabled but web server hosting the content was misconfigured to not serve the 
file with HTTP Response Header "Content-Encoding: br" present. Check browser 
Console and Devtools Network tab to debug.

The .exe works fine tho :)

The player-controller is very nice. I like that you can still jump after you have walked off a platform for a few frames. Changing direction after a wall-jump takes some time getting used to tho.

The art is nice and the warm light makes it feel comfy. I would've really liked to see some more levels or an objective - maybe that is something you can expand on in the future. Hopefully we'll see more of your stuff in the future :3

If you have time I would really appreciate, if you checked out the game that I made for the jam :)

(1 edit)

for the WebGL executable I am working on fixing it.

generally we didn't have the time to do what we wanted, so I aimed for a simple thing due to the time limit and I am working on improving the wall-jam and the AI in general.

Thanks for your comment! I will check your game