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Had a blast playing through all of the demo levels but there a few issues/bugs that i saw in my playthrough.

The objectives for the outdoor level don't have an obvious trigger and leads you wandering aimlessly for the next building for 10 minutes. 

In mansion 2, you can softlock yourself.  if you skip the first section by taking the locker to the box room and continue normally from there until you make it past the cowgirl.   If you take the locker back to the spawn room and do the scripted run portion of the level, you are led to the box room again, but the zone below isn't loaded and your trapped.

I had a hard time figuring out what to do after the cowgirl section which is what led me to finding the softlock mentioned above.

Mansion 3 was very well designed but there's some AI issues there.  All of the AI can see through doors and will attempt to chase you through them if they spot you.  This can get them permanently stuck in the door and for the upstairs part of the level, make it impossible to move past the cowgirl.

Overall had lots of fun with the alpha and I hope you continue to do a great job on this game

yeah, that lakeside is still very early and doesn't havr objectives set up along wiyh a bunch of issues. I will be working on that stage the most with 1.2 and update both the paid and free version of the game since thats just cut content and Quality of life.

Softlock in mansion 2 due to the teleport will be corrected as it was largely used by internal testing to skip the thorn chase rather then allowing more freeroam exploration as intended.

AI is getting a lot of critical eyes on it and will be modified throughoit the next series of patches.