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Very cool concept ! I like the simple micromachines like handling and the chaos that happens since the race is more of a checkpoint rush in an arena rather than laps around a track this captures the derby vibe very well. The music is also very catchy, but the best part to me are the car designs, they have that same insane carma look and humor to them :D

Only issue i had was the camara angle that sometimes hid the car behind the backgound, other than that no real problemswhen i tried it.

Overall, cool stuff ! Now all it needs is more arenas and cars :P


Oh hello! Thanks for checking out my game!

I love that you recognized the carma look lol, it's deffo what I was going for.
I agree that the camera angle is awkward at times and I could kick myself for not bothering to fix it last moment :p

Cool that you stopped by to play it! ^^

No problem dude ^^ i try to check out what fellow jammers release on itch from time to time whenever i can.

Being a carma fan too i can say you nailed the style for sure these could have come straight from carma 2 XD

Haha i know the feel last min fixes can be a pain especially when on jam time, so that’s totally fine :)