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Good job on your first game! I had similar issues below with the WebGL version. The downloadable EXE version fixed the sensitivity and UI scaling issues for me, but having a playable browser version is always nice. 

Some of these have already been said, but I bulleted out some issues below.

  • WebGL UI scaling issues. Editing the canvas in Unity or changing the resolution can help. I wasn't able to fullscreen the browser version.
  • Volume slider in options, but no sound. BGM, gunshots, robot noises, etc. 
  • Enemy death feedback. A death animation, explosion particle effects, or anything like that would help. 
  • Gun model clips through objects. Check out some YouTube tutorials for this one.
  • Difficult to see reticule. A lot of gray objects with a gray reticule. Maybe a different color would help.
  • Map seams. You can fall out the map on the corners of the second floor.  
  • Unclear objective. Based off the description, I thought I just had to clear all enemies in the level. I got confused when I died and it said wave 4.

Issues aside, the game feels pretty natural as a FPS. I didn't see the controls listed anywhere, but they were similar enough to other FPS games. The enemy AI is good. I think there's a detection radius and they attack you fairly. It would be cool if their eyes turned red or something to show that they were aggressive. Their shots are slow and dodgeable, so that's nice when you are being attacked by a lot of them. I had a couple of tense moments where I was cornered and had to dodge and shoot my way out. 

Game jams are tough. Time is a big factor. However, most of the issues I listed don't impact the overall game too much. In my opinion, the biggest thing to add in would be a clear objective. How does the player win? I wasn't sure how long I was supposed to play for.  Other than that, everything else is an enhancement to what you already have. If I had to choose one, it would definitely be game sound. I don't think it would be fair to judge the visuals, but the game did look good. Very nice on giving credit. 

In short, good job overall on your first game. I hope you learned a lot, don't give up, and good luck on your future projects.

- Pixel Raven, Jimmy