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(Your game begins at 0:080:17)

What an interesting litlte one this was. 
So often when games deal with cult, we go all out horror and end up seeing the aftermath of a cult already having done something terrible, or being in the process of summoning something, or so forth It is rare to see the more manipulative aspects on display - especially with a sprinkle of humor here and there!

Big props to the artist, and to the voice actress, as both do a great job being just a little too cheerful and just a bit unnerving. Very nice stuff.

I do wish that the game had some unique grapghics for the three endings, as that woul dmake it feel a bit more complete, but I understand this was a Jam game, and time was short. Still, I enjoyed this one, and put it in this giant scary games compilation for Halloween. Very nice work!