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This is cool! Love the vibes (it's so chill) and it's impressive you were able to get stuff like online multiplayer and minigames in during jam time...

If you're looking for feedback, I did personally feel like the large board size made it feel kinda repetitive with the current amount of minigames, and I also didn't understand what I gained/lost from winning/failing the minigames :/

Thank you! Yep yep the more mini-games are there the more fun!
Yeah like 70% of my time went to the multiplayer connectivity which you can see that I have cut some corners in the other stuff because of the time constraints, definitely will add/polish more of it.
The mini-games are called tasks which are the same use as the ladders, if you win you will gain an extra move symboling the ladder carrying you up, but if you lose you will not gain the extra turn, originally there would be pop-ups to explain it like in the snake ones but couldn't add it on time ;^^


Ohh I see, that's a good reward for completing the minigames! Yeah just being made more clear would be good :)