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I'm so grumpy haha I downloaded this the day before it updated - finished it in about two days of playing. The cliffhanger had me so bad in v.16 that I had to come back and get v.17 which I already knew was out. I'm REALLY enjoying this so far, and with how often your updates are, I'm definitely hoping you don't run out of steam anytime soon! It's not every day you actually see a game posting monthly updates.


Haha, I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying CH. Sorry about the cliffhanger (not really, but y'know :P)!

Hopefully you didn't jinx it now! But no, I don't think I will run out of steam anytime soon. Got a lot of stuff planned and prepared already and I'm only getting more passionate about the game, the further it progresses.

Thank you for your kind words. :)