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To whom it may concern,

No, the game isn't dead. They needed to change game engines because the phone, in the android version, was broken.

They are finishing up final tests at the time of this post.  An update will be made for backers soon with a month after.

I know this game is fantastic, and we are all itching for an update, but we need to remain calm.

If you need to be in the know, join the discord and converse with the community.

(1 edit) (+5)

i think that some of us long time fans are more upset cause that is not the first or  second  time that this game got a new engine. and most of the time got completly reworked in the process. starting from scratch.
if there was just somekind of reasurance that the next time this story gets worked on, it will be worked on for good without anymore restarts. that would help  calming the nerves.


It couldn't be helped. With all the changes in staff, compatibility, and game engines, it would have been a miracle for everything to go off without an issue. I'm just happy they didn't need to start over completely from scratch as they did with the Renpy change.

(2 edits) (+8)

thats what i am saying. update take a long time to come out, and when a  story gets start over from scratch, much of the first months is put into "worldbuilding" and "character introduktion"  and when it seems it finally starts to get somewhere content wise(which can take 6 months to a year)...boom,another engine update.

wether it can be helped or not, it should be understandable why this is kind of frustrating for some people ,since that happened more than once.  that why i said, an official message to reassure would be nice. thats all.