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(2 edits) (+2)(-2)

Ooof. Ok as someone who sufferers from Agoraphobia and PTSD this chapter 12 hit sooo much to heart it was rough getting through the beginning part of it. Between instantly relating to everything Vita was going through and then the immediate concerns the MC had afterwards... ugh.  I had to take a break.  I'm not sure if there was a trigger warning at the beginning of the game but I'd recommend putting one in the beginning of the game or in the beginning of chapters that discusses topics like that please. I wasn't prepared for the flashbacks I had and subsequent episodes.

However I will say that goes to show how the writing and delivery was spot on when it can be too close to home for someone like me.

Now to see if I can complete chapter 12...

POST EDIT: Apparently I had like 3 minutes more to read... but of course tears since again relatable ugh.  Stupid feelings go back in the cage like you're supposed to be.  Well done with the writing.