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Alright, not gonna do a full review just yet, because that'll be a few pages long and it's getting late, so here's just the shots I'm calling.

1. Chief is evil, big bad, final boss, main antagonist, hate that dude.

2. Marrow is some kind of Bio-Bot (at least, more is artificial than he's letting on). I was originally thinking full android for various reasons (no smell, immunity to disease, no monitor, "I forgot", "that's the whole point", etc. etc.) but then he ate near the very end, and genuinely does seem to sleep. At this point I think he might even have been fully bio and we have a brain-scan situation on our hands.

3. Marruk lost someone close to him in the same accident that caused Rhoun's arm to get amputated.

4. The artificial gravity generator is going to be damaged/must be turned off at some point in the story and MC is going to be the only one to fix it/do it.

5. Chief is using the neural language AI to monitor the main cast constantly. Abusing the constant uploading they're doing of MC's speech patterns to a central database he can access.

6. Chief's "grand experiment" or whatever was what brought us onto the ship, and I'd even go so far as to say it did so intentionally.

7. Finally a silly one. There will be a naughty scene where the AI learns the English words for naughty parts. Later, these words will be used by MC in passing, but since the AI learned them it will translate perfectly, rather than that odd dissonance. This will fly over most characters heads, but one will later realize that MC talked dirty with one of the others.


I just wonder what they want out of the MC. He's the only alien to them in existence. Would they really let him live a free life on their home planet or something? Or would his life be under constant "protection"?