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The amount of visual polish in this is absolutely insane! Props to the artist(s) and everyone who worked on making it look as smooth as it does and the attention to detail such as making Christie's handwriting genuinely different from Ajay's. The story is also cute and promises many more adventures in the future, seeing as there's some locked areas, so I would love to see it continue. I definitely like Ajay (He tries his best) and Kurt (Is her name a pun on being "curt"? If so, that's hilarious). 

I went to the correct place on my first playthrough out of luck, but tried something else the second time to see how it would redirect me. I think more interactivity would be cool since it was pretty easy to deduce what to do next and I would have liked to do some more "solving", but since this is just the start of their adventures it may get harder later. Please keep me updated if you continue writing it!

Thank you so much! You don't know how happy this makes me to be getting feedback!!! :D

Yes, the game is still under development so I will be continuing it! I'm so glad you like the characters! I will definitely be making it more interactive in the future, but I think I underestimated just how much time it would take me to make each ending and have all the endings and dialogue change based on which places you visited first and which clues you unlocked through previous dialogue. The story itself was supposed to be much much longer, and there's a little bit of a plot twist, but I wouldn't have been able to make that with the time allotted for the game jam sadly. It definitely will become more solving and user heavy, since the adventure you just went on is preliminary to the actual much bigger case you will solve, but I didn't have time to get to that plot twist yet :') I hope to add more features, like inventory, up close crime scene investigation look at, a journal (generally just more user input oriented stuff which I didn't have time to get to), and more fluidity with animations and expressions, and maybe small cutscenes if I have time!

I'm so glad you liked the game and gave me feedback, it's really very helpful!