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SO this was really cool at first, but I either hit a bug or am an idiot, but I was unable to finish it after I collected the first package.  

I was a bit confused after reading your comment at first, but in your video after you collected the package, you did go to the right satellite but you ran past the electrical box and just looked at the door on the other side. Also a good way to tell if a satellite needs fixing, there will be a red light on a tower near it.


So at the end of the video I go back.  Maybe it wasn't in the video but at that second satellite I do go to the fuse box door but it didn't let me intereact with it still.


do you have a clip of it maybe?


At 11:46 i go to the second satelite but it didn't work 

was that the satellite near the package (did it have a light on?)

It was near it but IDK if there was a light or not