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Ok. Some stuff.

0. The game is made in 72 hours, so yeah, nothing to expect. A fun concept, fun simple style, I like it. I think it could be very cool if developed properly.

1. Shaman's broken af. She RESETS the loop, she doesn't revers it as it's written. And if you pick multiple shamans their effect don't simply stack, they multiply. The shaman before get their power back when the ones after reset the loop. Absurd. It's not worth to buy anything else. If you find a shaman and have the money to buy her, just do it.

2. The boar boss doesn't improve at all, for what I see. It's written "lv10, 11, 12, ecc...", but every time he had 200 hp and in the first two encounters dealt 30 dmg and added 20 block. I don't know if at lv 12 and higher did more because thanks to three/four shamans he never had a chance to get a turn. Lol.

3. The game crashed/freezed/fade to black after the lv 13 boss. No victory music, no ending... Don't know if it's a glitch or if it's finished like that.

So yeah. Cute little game, fun concept especially if you like rogue like games like I do, but well, it's made in 72 hours!

For a jam, it's cool.