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Does this mean that she's just ignoring this for the time being? Or ignoring it entirely, and plans to never pick it up again? Don't get me wrong, I usually don't believe that someone would just drop a project, especially after seeing so dedicated to it, but this makes me question it. I hope that she maybe forgot about it, or isn't getting any of these notifications, other than abandoning this project in favor of another that has the same genre. I also hope that if she's not doing anything there, too, that she is okay.

Maybe asking about Agashi on that other VN would get a response about how she is, but who knows what the response from the QC fanbase and the creator of the other VN would be. 

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I can't answer for the creator, nor can I placate the feelings of the fans who paid for QC, but finishing a writing project (and an interactive, multimedia one at that) is really tough. I know: ideally, creators should know their limits so as to avoid making promises they might not be able to keep. However, that assumes that creators know their limits, or that there will never be factors that change their current capacity to deliver. 

If Agashi/Lee simply didn't know her limits at first, then I won't fault her for it. Nonetheless, some of the fans who paid want some sort of accountability, even if it be mere updates. Making mistakes is okay, but not making up for it might not be. Feelings like guilt, shame, and self-deprecation are not what the fans truly want from the creator. They want the game back. They need a response.


With regards to the creator taking up a story consultant role for the other VN, I will not take it against the creator. Sometimes, juggling WIPs really is better than a total writing block; it's natural and writers' lives don't revolve around writing anyway, no matter what they say. But as for why there are no updates for a BACKED game, my fingers are crossed that the creator will overcome whatever it is that's been hindering the her from making updates.

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I wouldn't recommend commenting on the game page of the other royalty-related VN, because it will be unfair to that VN and its creators. But there has been a discussion about reaching out to that other VN's team here, in order to get to Agashi: 

Look for the comments by ilurk, hiraeth_maiden, Answerless, Asakti, and L M.


I agree that commenting on the other VN wouldn't be fair to its creators, too, hence why when writing the part concerning it I was so hesitant for words.

I understand its hard to write something, too, but I just wish that she would give us an update, even if its something as simple as "Im alive. This project is on hold/almost done/whatever current state, etc. Please dont worry."