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Hi sorry to be a bother but I have literally replayed this game 10 times trying to get the true ending but with no luck and it's driving me nuts so I was wondering if there's a walkthrough available for it?


Sorry for the late reply!

All of the + affection points are as follow:

  • Do not apologise to Chinamu on day 2 (Stay silent). = +1
  • Salt > vinegar > mustard on day 3 for the cooking event.  = +3
  • Antifever meds > (Take it yourself first) on day 4 = +2
  • Choosing 'Mother Goose' on day 5 = +1
  • (Try to find something stimulating) on day 6 = +1
  • Taking a book off the shelf instead of giving Chinamu sleep medication on day 7= +1

As long as you've also thrown Chinamu's ring into the trash on day 4 or 5 and picked it back up with Flow on day 6 (and rejected Flow's proposal on day 5), this should lead you straight to the true ending (as you only need 7 points).

Thank you so much! 

Do I need to reject the kissing part after the cooking event?