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(1 edit)

I have 80k now. 

Now that I am using a parent's chromebook, i will have a much smaller time window to get coins. When I was still a Guest, I hoped I could get the fearless. Now, it's an important goal for me, with every step having to be carefully planned(i have 20 min. screen time and get grounded 2days for 2 n1 games).  I may not be here as much anymore( i still read itch every 30 min, just don't respond.)  

My hard drive from the old pc corrupted so now my files are all gone. the only remnants are my high score ans and screenshot.

(u asked me 4 my skin, Havoc)


I will miss you not being here for as long, my friend. see you around....


Me too

also a funnily cropped one 

delete that


y tho

joke, it just looks cursed

ikr, i don't have photoshop

me too, i edited this with my school writhing software


More cursed



Don't worry, Narrow one afterlife has a trial, the trial of the pros. If your career dies, but you are a pro you can be reborn. Noobs and tryhards who do not pass lose everything(they don't even really have anything). I already passed this trial once.

o7 to u, legend

? what's o7?

Its a salute o=head 7=arm

ok thx