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Omg now you're gonna make me cry ;_; Okay sorry in advance, but....I'm about to leave another wall of text because I have to speak my mind! It's REALLY long so be prepared >.<

As a fellow person in the arts, (video editing/ography,) and in a world where art is not always appreciated at that, I completely get the self-doubt and relate too much. I wish I could remove the doubts from your mind and you can view your own work like others view it! I know it's not as simple as someone telling you your writing is amazing for you to believe it but >.< Damnit it's true lol!!! I'm losing my mind haha it's always the hella talented artists being insecure!! You should be feeling arrogant instead. ๐Ÿ˜‚ All I can do is tell you that I'm completely gushing over your work and I was shook that you weren't some major development team with a bunch of games already released like the Japanese otome studios do. And okay, I just peeped that you wrote for DUFE and OMGGG >.< That was my fave game from that jam so like?! And I also played and loved Snow Angel and Far Shore too, didn't know you were like the main writer for that studio so I'm even further amazed! You managed to give so much depth to those characters for such short games, again I see the complexity in the characters that seems to be a unique skill of yours?! The nuances and thought you put in here is not lost on me! I'm sure you have a lot of nuances and thoughts and hard work and hourrrrrss that you put in that the readers may not consciously observe due to most people not being literary analysts, but the enjoyment people experience reading your work speaks for it being noticed subconsciously! The effort you put in and subtextual information really does not go unnoticed and makes for a wonderful reading experience. I guess to wrap up about all that, all of these stories made me emotional and really feel immersed in the world that was created. The type of immersion where you can forget all your problems and escape away; snuggle up on a lazy evening and experience a whole emotional experience removed from reality. Really be there with the characters, you know? My only issue was wanting more of all of these stores and being disappointed when they were over LOL. That whole "what am I supposed to do with my life now?" feeling you get after reading a good story, and the emptiness, the void starts creeping in. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

To be totally honest with you, I'm very picky when it comes to stories. I only praise and read ones I enjoy. I'm 24 and between VNs, books, games, and fanfictions, I've been reading/playing since I was a single digit year old kid. I've gone through hundreds and I'm just very picky on what I consume. I drop stories that I can't really get immsersed in. And definitely don't sit for literal hours writing these overly-long walls of text unless I did enjoy it haha. For every few games or stories I enjoyed and react positively to, there's tons more where I was just like meh and said nothing about. Or just kinda casually enjoyed but wouldn't write home about or anything. I'm not anyone important to be some measurement of standard but for what it's worth, you have a picky reader that enjoys your work so just know that I would not bother if I did not value your work!

Lol but, I know it sounds like I'm just sucking up at this point but it's honestly my sincere feelings and I find it important to share them. A lot of times people will enjoy a game or story but not comment and so I wanted to take the time to let you know that your work is valuable. All it takes is one intrusive thought of self doubt or one critical/negative comment to ruin your confidence when it comes to being vulnerable with your art, even if you have hundreds of positive comments. I want to at least share my positive thought because even if someone else or your own mind critiques you, I want you to know that there are still tons of people, myself included, who love your work and believe that what you create is valuable! Your work is valuable and YOU are valuable.

Anyways, I think I've taken enough of your time tonight ._. I kinda just realized how much I typed. I'm sooo sorry omg, I do have a habit of typing entirely too much and tell myself every time that I will type less...clearly to no avail. ๐Ÿ˜‚ But I like to communicate; kindaa in theme to your story with Aramis but I don't ever like to leave your room for doubt or guessing. If something makes me feel positive, I want that person to know. It breaks my heart that someone so talented feels constant self doubt, but...alas it's the curse of  an artist. You are incredibly brave and powerful for continuing to create and vulnerably put your work out there despite the self doubt. I know it can be disheartening and frustrating sometimes, but don't forget that this isn't just work but is something that brings you joy too! Whenever you feel lost or unsure, just go back to that happy place with writing, even if it is taking a break and working on some random fanfic writing prompt on Tumblr or something lol. Or engage in other ways that  engage your creativity. I literally just noticed that that's also reletable to Aramis's route lol!

You're clearly a pro so I'm sure you have your vices without me telling you. Just know that I am inspired and proud of you and for putting your work out there! And actually finishing something that one starts is difficult, so you are a badass! You don't have to say anything in particular to my raving review here LOL, might be overwhelming asf to read but you definitely do not owe me some grand response back. I am just happy if it brings you any amount of pride and validation because you definitely SHOULD feel that!

Anyways, that's all! (Sorrryyyy againnn omfg ^^") SUPER EXCITED to hear the news about your future project!!! I already know it'll be fantastic, like no pressure but you've already earned my trust in your writing so ๐Ÿ˜‚ Will definitely be looking out!

