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All I have to say, is why on earth does unity want to have the same function do everything right on one script, and absolutely break down the other.

As for you, I mean, you don't have to finish your game this Devtober, the aim isn't to necessarrily finish a game, but rather a small demo, but most importantly learn good practices and take care of yourself on the way, so don't stress yourself, eat, sleep, stay hydrated, take a walk,... ;) There's always the next and the one after that and after that. Still sounds like an interesting idea! Which game enigne are you using? Will it be 3d or 2d? 

True that

I took some days off doing other things

I was a bit too hyped since i really wanted to show the WHOLE WORLD what i could do

But i think us novice devs often often we ain't pros

Good advice man :D