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Your message made me very happy.

I would like to answer you a lot of things but I can't find something strong enough to tell you how much I appreciate when someone manages to see and appreciate the small details of staging that I was able to include in this little game.

I'm just going to tell you that I thank you very very much for taking the time to play my game and write me this message, mynameisbrent.

Take good care of yourself and greetings from France !

I'm just now seeing your reply, Julien. You're very welcome!

I would love to play through future games you create, I hope you'll keep me in mind when you finish your next one. Additionally, if you ever intend on adding vocal lines to your projects, I'm a voice actor and would love to work with somebody of your talent. Best of luck to you on your future endeavors.

Take care and greetings from America!